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Exclusive Asset āđ€āļœāļĒ āļ„āļ™āļāļĢāļļāļ‡āđ€āļ—āļžāļŊ āđ€āļ—āļĢāļ™āļ”āđŒāđƒāļŦāļĄāđˆ! āļĒāđ‰āļēāļĒāļ‚āđ‰āļēāļĄāļāļąāđˆāļ‡āļĄāļē āļ™āļ™āļ—āļšāļļāļĢāļĩ āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āļŦāļĢāļđāđ„āļ‹āļŠāđŒāđƒāļŦāļāđˆ āļĢāļēāļ„āļēāļ„āļļāđ‰āļĄāļāļ§āđˆāļē
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Exclusive Interview: Exclusive Asset Reveals the Future of Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road and the Transformation of Thonburi
Exclusive Interview: Exclusive Asset Reveals the Future of Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road and the Transformation of Thonburi Amid the rapid urban development, Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road has emerged as a vital route reshaping Thonburi's landscape. This newly established road has quickly become a major artery, facilitating travel, stimulating the economy, and attracting continuous real estate development. Today, we are honored to interview Umawan Songsiri, a luxury home sales expert and Head of New Projects at Exclusive Asset Co., Ltd., to discuss the potential and significance of this road for Thonburi's future and the area's real estate market. Q: How do you view the importance of Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road for Thonburi's development? Umawan: "When we talk about new roads in Thonburi, Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road stands out as a transformative route. It connects Prannok (or Fai Chai Intersection) and Phutthamonthon, making commuting from the suburbs to inner Bangkok much more convenient. More importantly, this road alleviates traffic congestion on major arteries like Borommaratchachonnani and Phetkasem Roads." Q: How has this road influenced housing and economic development in the area? Umawan: "Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road has spurred housing and real estate development along its stretch. Notable luxury home projects include Grand Bangkok Boulevard by SC Asset, The Palazzo by Asian Property, Monsane by Siamese Asset, and The Marq Exquisite by Enrich Group. These projects have not only increased land value but also fostered high-quality communities that meet the needs of affluent buyers." Q: Besides real estate development, what other factors contribute to the growth of this area? Umawan: "Another key factor is the emergence of new restaurants and cafes along this road. For example, James Boulangerie has become a must-visit for pastry lovers. There are also well-known dining spots like Ob Aroi, Mae Klong Hot Pot, and The Chocolate Factory. These establishments reflect the area’s economic growth and the increasing density of its community." Q: How significant is this road's connection to public transportation systems? Umawan: "Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road is strategically connected to several mass transit lines, such as the BTS Green Line at Bang Wa Station, the MRT Blue Line at Fai Chai Station, and in the future, the Orange Line (Bang Khun Non-Cultural Center). These diverse connections enhance convenience and improve the quality of life for residents in the area." Q: In your opinion, what makes Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road particularly unique? Umawan: "The standout feature of this road is its lack of traffic lights, ensuring smoother traffic flow compared to roads with intersections or lights. Its seamless connectivity to major roads significantly enhances travel efficiency and supports long-term economic and social growth in Thonburi." Q: Finally, what is your outlook on the future of this area? Umawan: "I believe Prannok-Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road will become a key route driving sustainable development in Thonburi. It will continue to support real estate growth, stimulate the local economy, and enhance the quality of life for its residents. My team at Exclusive Asset is committed to offering the best opportunities for our clients in this area." Looking to Buy or Sell Luxury Brand Homes or Mansions? If you’re in search of a luxury brand home or mansion and need professional advice, contact Exclusive Asset. Our team provides comprehensive, friendly services and expert guidance for buying and selling luxury properties, ensuring you achieve your goals effortlessly. 📞 Call: 064-645-6987 💎 Line Official: @exclusiveasset 🌐 Website: www.exclusive-asset.com
Exclusive ASSET Confident in 2024 Secondhand Real Estate Market Trends, Opening Golden Opportunities for Buyers
Mr. Natthakom Kerdanan, Managing Director of Exclusive Asset Co., Ltd., a luxury home sales agency, revealed that in 2024, the secondhand real estate market will offer a significant opportunity for those looking for either a residence or an investment. The key factors driving the increase in property sales include both economic changes and the trend of property owners reducing their holdings of unused real estate to lessen the burden of land and building taxes. As a result, more properties, including single houses, townhouses, condos, and commercial buildings, are entering the market, creating excellent opportunities for buyers seeking properties at reduced prices. For buyers of secondhand real estate, Mr. Natthakom highlighted several benefits: 1. **Cost-Effectiveness**: As the supply of real estate in the market increases, prices decrease, allowing buyers to acquire properties at more affordable prices compared to new properties. 2. **Prime Locations**: Often, secondhand real estate is located in prime areas or well-developed residential zones with complete amenities, which are now difficult to find. 3. **Ready-to-Use Structures**: Buyers can thoroughly inspect the condition of homes or buildings before making decisions and can also negotiate with sellers more easily if further renovations are needed. 4. **Investment Potential**: For investors, secondhand real estate still holds opportunities for renovation and resale or rental at a price higher than the purchase cost, offering attractive returns. Additionally, Mr. Natthakom emphasized the crucial role of professional real estate agents in this scenario. Their expertise in managing the buying and selling process, especially in handling contracts and negotiations, is highly sought after. The success of the process often depends on a deep understanding of the market and a commitment to quality service. Navigating the complex real estate market requires professional consultation to achieve the best outcomes in terms of both price and convenience in the transaction process.
Effortless Luxury Home Selling with Exclusive Asset Real Estate Expert
How to sell a house to get someone to buy it? Details are as follows: 1. Notice board. People must see the old but classic method and always works. Posting a sign announcing a house for sale that is powerful must be posted on both the "busy thoroughfare" and the "front of the house" as well to prevent interested people from being able to find the house or not being able to see that the house is for sale. The message written for the announcement must be “distinctive, concise, and contactable.” Choose to include only important information. The prominent colored sign is easy to see. Read the house selling letter clearly and most importantly. Contact phone number 2. Broker: Close the sale. Choose a professional house selling broker. The more experienced in the area, the better. You may already have a customer base on hand. Basic inspection methods such as: • Assessing the possibility of selling the house fluently, selling points, selling price, analyzing as follows: Who can buy this house? Can this house be bought as an investment? • Talking style creates one's own identity. Having children to lure children into negotiations to sell a house • Be a good listener. to store customer information Know how to speak in order to collect customer information. • Know how to create motivation. According to customer needs, sales can be closed. 3. Word of mouth from local people. Don't say too much about "word of mouth techniques" always creating great results. Homebuyers often like to ask for information from local people. Even more common people, such as shops in the alley., barber shop, etc. The information obtained will be viewed as real information. You don't have to have any conflict of interest, so leave your house with someone in the area to help sell it. It's a way to trap people buying this type of home. The more people you contact, the more interested you are. Your power to negotiate and sell your home also increases. 4. House for sale, online media, the most important thing is keywords, words to make advertisements interesting. concise to the point Avoid negative words such as compact instead of the word small, etc. You should write truthfully, bringing out the best points of selling your house without overwriting it. Because buyers will feel more disappointed when they come to see the actual house. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 ✅#Ramindra Kaset Nawamin  Khun Aed 099-391-8989 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
āļ•āļĢāļ§āļˆāļŠāļ­āļš 9 āļĢāļ°āļšāļšāļŠāļģāļ„āļąāļāļ‚āļ­āļ‡āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āđƒāļŦāđ‰āļ”āļĩ āļāđˆāļ­āļ™āļ•āļąāļ”āļŠāļīāļ™āđƒāļˆāđ€āļ‹āđ‡āļ™āļĢāļąāļš
Check the 9 important systems of the home carefully. Before deciding to sign 1. Outside area These include fences and gates that must be easy to open and close, not derailed, and consistent painting. There are no traces of rust on it. The door latch can be bolted easily. The house fence is not tilted, there are no cracks, the soil is filled in around the house, there are no potholes or construction material residues. An external drainage system where water should have an outward direction and not flow back into the house. You can inspect the rain gutters by using a bucket prepared to hold water and pour it onto various areas around the house, as well as checking what has been received to match the contract, such as landscaping, planting trees, and laying grass. 2. Structure We should check both the strength and quality of the structure to be able to support weight well in the long term. By exploring both the cracks Shape of structures that are not bent or curved, such as columns and beams, including inspection of floor levels. By rolling a marble on the floor. If it rolls unevenly or rolls quickly to a certain corner, it indicates that the room's floor has a slope problem or the floor is uneven. Ready to use a flashlight to explore and a ladder to climb above the ceiling. To inspect the ceiling frame 3. Roof If unable to check the water leak problem By spraying water onto the roof We can observe water leaks inside the house. Rainwater may leave traces of water stains, such as stains of the paint on the ceiling edge. You may use a ladder to climb above the ceiling on the upper floor. To view the roof surface from the inside as well as inspect the roof structure. Including surveying roof tiles that are firmly attached with nails. The ceiling and exterior paint are neat and beautiful. 4. Floor Paving the floor that is even and not warped. You can use a glass ball or a bucket of water to test the direction of movement of the glass ball or water that does not send abnormal signals. Including a sturdy ladder Does not vibrate or make noise while in use. The stair railing should be at least 90 centimeters high and installed sturdy. 5. Wall Because it is the part with the most space in the house. Make it take the longest time to check. You should use a vertical plumb to inspect the wall construction. Using a long ruler, tap it onto the plaster surface. Also consider the quality of the plaster surface that is smooth and consistent. and there were no signs of cracks from the structure. Including painting or coating on various floors. and a ceiling that is closely attached to the wall It's at the same level throughout the room. 6. Ceiling The survey should cover the entire ground floor, upper floors, and exterior ceiling. which should be looked at throughout the house Along with checking the lighting system as well. A good ceiling must be smooth and level throughout the room. and did not see any traces of grout or swelling Including painting using the same principles as wall inspection. 7. Doors, windows, various ventilation vents We can check By looking at as far away as possible. In exploring abnormalities Not distorted or tilted in any way. Including testing the opening and closing of many doors. Or the sliding door system does not derail and all knobs, locks, and bolts can function normally. as well as the frame that must be firmly attached to the wall and neat, no cracks, chips, or damage 8. Electrical system Try turning on every light, including the front of the house, yard lights, and even inside the house. Leave it for a while before turning it off and on again about 3 times, including checking the electrical plug to make sure it can be used. And bring prepared electrical appliances, such as battery charger cables, to test the electrical current inside the house. 9. Water system If the project provides a water pump We can also inspect the water pump. By opening every faucet or bathtub or shower all the way to observe the water flow. Including trying closing the faucet and opening it again about 2-3 times to consider the rotation of the faucet. And do not allow water to drip out around the pipe or joint. In addition, in the case of a house that has a motor installed, it is easier to check for water leaks. By looking at the water meter If it's still running during a time when no one is using water It means that we may have a water leak problem. Including inspection of waste water and drainage systems such as hand basins, bathtubs, sinks, and drainage holes in the back of the house. Balcony ventilation hole and drainage holes in the bathroom, etc. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 ✅#Ramindra Kaset Nawamin  Khun Aed 099-391-8989 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āļ•āļīāļ”āļ˜āļ™āļēāļ„āļēāļĢ āđāļĨāļ°āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āļ•āļīāļ”āļˆāļģāļ™āļ­āļ‡ āļ•āđˆāļēāļ‡āļāļąāļ™āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āđ„āļĢ
A house with a bank and a house with a mortgage What is a house next to a bank? The house is attached to the bank, meaning the house is entered into a mortgage contract. Whether it's paying installments for a new house Installment for second-hand house Making a home loan in exchange for money or taking out a mortgage or using it as any collateral with a bank or financial institution. which is a standard loan service provider and is under the control of the Bank of Thailand   What is a mortgaged house? A mortgaged house means taking the house into a mortgage contract. which is like a house next to a bank But it also includes mortgages made to individuals, juristic persons, or capitalists who accept mortgages on houses and land. They usually have a higher interest rate. And there is a higher risk of fraud than a house with a mortgage with a bank. But this group of people can get mortgages much easier than banks.   â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 ✅#Ramindra Kaset Nawamin  Khun Aed 099-391-8989 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
4 āļ‚āļąāđ‰āļ™āļ•āļ­āļ™āļ—āļĩāđˆāļ„āļ§āļĢāļĢāļđāđ‰ āļāđˆāļ­āļ™āļ‹āļ·āđ‰āļ­āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āļĄāļ·āļ­āļŠāļ­āļ‡
4 steps you should know before borrowing to buy a second-hand home Who will take out a loan to buy a second-hand home? Did you know that buying a second-hand home is not difficult at all if we know how to get a loan to buy a second-hand home in this article? Which I will explain to friends in the most detailed way so that they can use it. But first, let's explain again why some people choose to buy a second-hand house instead of buying a new one. From what I asked the person who bought a second-hand home, he answered that Second-hand houses, we can choose the location we want with a price that is easier to find cheaper than a new house. And most importantly, second-hand houses will have their own unique characteristics, unlike new-hand houses. Therefore, anyone who wants to borrow to buy a second-hand home Let's take a look at the various methods and steps for getting a second-hand home loan. Let's read together. By buying a second-hand home, I will divide the process of buying a second-hand home into 4 steps to easily explain to friends as follows: 1. Agree on expenses well. For buying a second-hand house Many people may think that they don't need much. The expenses may not be as great as buying a new home. But don't forget that a second hand house is a house that is not new like a new house. So it's a house that someone has already lived in. Structures will deteriorate over time. We may have to set aside money for these small repairs as well. Moreover, second-hand houses may be older and not as beautiful as new ones. Therefore, many people who borrow to buy a second-hand home may think about renovating a new home. Because our house must still be lived in for the rest of our lives. And it's indispensable. Everyone has to pay for buying a second-hand home, that is, the transfer fee, which usually involves paying half with the original homeowner. But there are some expenses that we have to pay ourselves, such as mortgage fees. 2. Examine yourself whether you are ready or not. This is a point that I would like to remind and tell again and again to people who want to borrow to buy a second-hand home to remember well and remember it by heart. Because buying a second-hand home is a big deal. Because a house is a high priced asset. Therefore, homeowners often do not want to waste time selling to others. Therefore, they usually use a deposit of some money first to prevent wasting their own time. In addition to this, we must have money to pay a deposit first. We must have enough income or salary to apply for a loan to buy a second-hand home from the bank. Because if we apply for a loan to buy a second-hand house with a new bank through this We may have to pay the deposit for free. One lump sum is several baht. Therefore, anyone who is really not ready, don't rush to buy a second-hand house. Let's study how to borrow a second-hand home first. So you won't miss out on free money. 3. Make a sales contract The purchase contract will specify the price of the house and various conditions. between us and the host Which when we go to apply for a second-hand home loan from the bank The bank will adhere to the purchase price according to this contract. We can borrow 80-90% of the amount specified in this contract. or as assessed by the bank Therefore, if we can agree with the homeowner that I would like to buy a house at a lower price. But he will specify in the contract a more expensive price. So that we can borrow more money from the bank. This will help us have money left over to buy various furniture. Or you can improve this house as you wish. But we must not forget that the more you borrow, the more you will be in debt. Importantly, the credit limit for second-hand homes / second-hand condo loans It will also depend on the appraised price that the officials assess. 4. Prepare documents for loan recovery. Once we have checked that all 3 steps in buying a used home that we have described have been passed. and very ready to buy a second-hand home The last thing we need to do is Preparing documents for a loan loan What documents are required? I will tell you in detail in the next topic. Let's take a look at what documents are required to get a loan for purchasing a second-hand home. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 ✅#Ramindra Kaset Nawamin  Khun Aed 099-391-8989 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
"āļ­āļĒāļēāļāļ‚āļēāļĒāļšāđ‰āļēāļ™āļĄāļ·āļ­āļŠāļ­āļ‡āđƒāļŦāđ‰āļĢāļļāđˆāļ‡" āļ•āđ‰āļ­āļ‡āļĢāļđāđ‰āļ­āļ°āđ„āļĢāļšāđ‰āļēāļ‡
Want to sell a second-hand house for good? What do you need to know? Buying an old house and renovating it into a "second-hand house" for resale is another form of investment in real estate that gives high returns. However, it is also a good opportunity to create good and stable income. But the process of selling second-hand houses There are details that need to be paid attention to. in order to be successful in achieving the goals The things that you need to know and understand well before investing in selling a second-hand home are: are as follows 1. Know the quantity of second-hand houses that are for sale in the market. We're not the only ones who see the opportunity to sell used homes. That makes it possible to survey how many competitors there are in the area where you want to sell second-hand houses. And what is the announced selling price? Therefore it is very important. In order to plan and set the price to have the greatest chance of selling, this is based on survey data from the Real Estate Information Center at Collecting data from second-hand home sales announcements through the second-hand home market website in the 4th quarter of 2020, it was found that detached houses and semi-detached houses had the highest number of units for sale, followed by condominiums, townhouses, and commercial buildings, with Bangkok being the province with It has the highest number of units for sale, followed by Nonthaburi, Chonburi and Samut Prakan. respectively, where houses in the price range of 3-5 million baht are the price range with the most announcements for sale. That we know this information It will help you plan in choosing a location. Choose the type of second-hand house and set the selling price effectively and have a greater chance of selling successfully 2. Know the demand for second-hand houses. You already know your competitors and what types of second-hand houses they sell. Where is it sold and what is the approximate price? Another thing that we need to know is that Know how many people want second-hand houses. Because the more we know the needs of our customers, The more opportunities there are to respond in a way that makes it easier to sell. By information on transfer of ownership of second-hand homes In the 4th quarter of 2020, from the Real Estate Information Center, it was found that second-hand houses with a price not exceeding 1 million baht had the highest number of transfer units, followed by 2-3 million and those with a price of more than 10 million baht, respectively. which if considering the amount of transfers It can be assessed that If we want to invest in a second-hand house, let it be released as quickly as possible. The price level below 1 million is the price range with the greatest demand. and has the greatest chance of success easily 3. Know how to conduct transactions legally. For those who don't have enough cash Investing in selling second-hand houses You will have to apply for a loan from the bank. which must be carried out in accordance with the law In addition to our financial status Inspection of the home you are purchasing is also important. You must check that the house does not have a mortgage. And look at the name of the seller and the owner of the deed to see if they are a person. same or not Because if the names don't match It may be a scam to sell other people's property. and when the loan has been approved by the bank In making a contract to buy and sell It is necessary to check the details and prices listed carefully. In order not to make mistakes and have problems later. 4. Know how to repair and improve a house to be ready for sale. It is another important step in investing in buying a used home for resale. Because we need to look for an old house to decorate to make it look new. and sell it at a cheaper price than a new house But there is profit from investment, so renovation is a very important step. that even we don't know how to repair But you must know how to find a technician to repair it. Cost Price: You must pay careful attention to details when comparing the prices of decorative materials. Because the better you can control costs, the better. The more likely you are to make a profit from selling second-hand houses, the more second-hand houses will never be easy to sell. If it has not been decorated and repaired to look as good and livable as a new house. 5. Know how to advertise for sale and do marketing. Nowadays, the online world is considered an important help in increasing the opportunity to make more sales, so relying only on posting offline noticeboards in the village area. Therefore it is not a very good solution. Because we are able to post announcements for sale online on various announcement websites. The more announcements we make, There will be an opportunity to make it accessible to customers. and saw the announcement Only a lot of us Including the fact that we have to decorate the pictures used in sales announcements to be beautiful as well, we have to think about the "heart of the customer" and think about the needs of people who want to buy a house as much as possible. What does he want? Then post an announcement and write a description. Post pictures to meet the needs of people wanting to buy a home as much as possible. It will help us have the opportunity to sell more easily.Home is a dream that everyone desires. Which doesn't always have to be a new home. Because second-hand houses are in perfect condition. Beautiful and ready to live in There is a reasonable price. In a good location It can answer living needs equally well. Therefore, investing in selling second-hand houses Therefore, it is a good opportunity to generate stable income. If you study the details and pay attention to every step, carefully researching market needs It will give you an opportunity to succeed easily.   â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
9 āļ•āļąāļ™āđ„āļĄāđ‰ āļŸāļ­āļāļ­āļēāļāļēāļĻ āļ›āļĨāļđāļāļ‡āđˆāļēāļĒāđƒāļ™āļšāđ‰āļēāļ™ āļ”āļąāļāļˆāļąāļšāļāļļāđˆāļ™ Pm.2.5
9 air purifying plants Easy to grow indoors Increase green space, trap PM 2.5 dust. For ornamental plants inside buildings or in the house that can be easily grown. Things that help clean the air and see toxins are as follows: 1. Betel Spotted betel is a climbing plant that is very easy to grow. And it doesn't take long to grow. The trunk is very resistant to the weather conditions in Thailand. It is considered an auspicious plant that is commonly planted in the home because it is believed to help make life smooth and happy. Someone comes to love, someone comes to fall in love. It can also absorb up to 75% of carbon dioxide and can emit up to 100% of oxygen during the day, making it suitable for planting inside the home as a good air purifying plant. How to care for spotted betel Because spotted betel can be grown in many ways according to the species. But overall, it's a plant that doesn't need a lot of light, so it's suitable for growing indoors. If planted in the ground, it should be watered 3 times a day. If planted in water, the water should be changed once a month. 2. Dragon tongue Dragon's Tongue, also known as Indra's Spear It is another ornamental plant that is easy to grow and care for. It also has many benefits. and is more special than other tree species This is because it is a plant that emits oxygen gas at night. But they exude carbon dioxide during the day. Therefore suitable for growing in the bedroom. It is also a tree that purifies the air without dust. How to care for dragon tongue is very simple. Because it is famous for its durability. Can be grown in areas with strong sunlight. But do not water too much. Maybe just every other day. And don't let it get too wet. Because it may cause the tree to die. 3 aloe vera aloe vera air purifying trees An ornamental plant with many medicinal properties, aside from being good for treating blistered wounds, it can also be used for beauty purposes. It is also an ornamental plant that can be planted in the bedroom because it releases oxygen gas at night. It also helps purify the air. Keep the house free of dust. Including being effective in absorbing toxic substances such as formaldehyde. Which is found in various coatings, including nail polish, furniture coatings, and house paints. How to care for aloe vera It should be set up in an area with at least 6 hours of sunshine per day. Be careful about watering too much. and cause water to become stagnant Because it will cause the tree to rot and die. 4. Deli Ton Lily is a herbaceous plant. which is outstanding in both its fragrance and beautiful flowers. The Lily plant is suitable as an air purifying plant to plant in the home because it has the ability to absorb toxins in the home. By helping to absorb toxic substances such as glue. Acetone, which is found in cosmetics, nail polish, correction fluid, trichloroethylene. which is contained in the printer. Photocopier, gas stove, wood varnish including benzene and formaldehyde How to care for a dahlia Should be watered regularly, at least 2 times a day, keeping only the soil moist. Should be located in an area with little light. and the weather is not very hot 5. Orchids Orchids are not only famous for their beauty. It is also more special than other types of trees in that it is also an air purifying tree. Orchids have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide efficiently and can exude large amounts of oxygen gas each day. Especially the Dendrobium orchid. Can absorb vapors from chemicals such as alcohol, acetone, and formaldehyde. and chloroform from the air especially well How to care for orchids Should be set or hung in an area with partial sunlight. And watering only 1 time per day is enough. 6. Gerbera Gerbera is an ornamental plant that is small and has beautiful flowers. Suitable for decorating various rooms in the house or condo. which in addition to providing unique beauty It is also an air purifying tree. Helps absorb carbon dioxide Makes the air fresh all day How to care for a gerbera is easy. Just leave it in a sunny place. and moderate watering Don't make it too wet. 7. Chrysanthemum Did you know that chrysanthemums are Flowering plants with the second highest economic demand in the world, after roses and chrysanthemums, especially the flower parts have many different external appearances and colors according to the species. The highlight of chrysanthemums is that they are trees that purify polluted air. Things like smells from house paint, glue, plastic, and detergent can be turned into fresh air. How to care for chrysanthemum plants Just place it in direct sunlight, such as by a window, and water it regularly. Because chrysanthemums are plants that require a lot of water. Because the leaves have high transpiration. 8. Red Moon Charm Red Moon Charm Ornamental plants that are known for their beauty Because it has heart-shaped leaves It has a green color contrasting with the dark red color of the leaf stalks. It has an excellent ability to be an air purifying plant. By helping to absorb toxins such as ammonia. It is also an auspicious plant that is popularly planted inside the home to enhance luck in terms of luck for the residents. How to care for the red moon charm Since it is a hardy plant, it must be handled with care. You must always keep it moisturized. And don't expose it to much sunlight. Compost or manure mixed with water should be sprinkled once a month. 9. Millionaire Ruean Nai Sethi Ruean Nai is an ornamental plant that is often grown in homes because it is believed to bring good fortune. Increase luck and protect residents from danger. It is also known for being an air purifying tree. By helping to absorb toxins like formaldehyde. Including carbon monoxide and xylene. which is an important substance in the plastic and synthetic fiber industries and things like thinner, lacquer, glue, paint, nail polish, and nail polish remover. The method of caring for the house is very simple because it is a plant that is known to be easy to care for. Easy to sprout. Just be in a well-lit area. And water it moderately, don't let the water become stagnant. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
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10 techniques to sell real estate quickly and get money for sure For advertising real estate sales that most people probably already know You just can't think of it. Therefore, knowing beforehand and knowing after is not as important as whether you can sell the property or not?? Because everything has subtle details that you should study and understand more. Ready, let's read. 1. Tell clearly If you are selling a house You have to tell what kind of house you're selling: first-hand, second-hand, how many floors, how much space, how many rooms, what's the shape of the house? Where is Lamlay located? How much does it cost?? etc., with details must be clearly stated. To communicate to the target group to understand as much as possible To bring about the decision to come see the house in person. Importantly, it helps customers decide to buy that house more easily as well. 2. The language is not ambiguous. Communication techniques to reach the deepest level of emotion. You must know how to speak, read, and write clearly and honestly. Because if you use language that is hollow and repetitive and doesn't tell the truth, it will make the listener displeased and not want to pay attention to you again. It's like advertising a house for sale. If you don't go around Don't use vague language. The listener or reader will easily understand what you are communicating. Plus, it creates faster customer decisions. 3. Use beautiful pictures. Real estate pictures clear and beautiful It can definitely attract the attention of buyers more than sales announcements alone. And the first thing that you should do before taking photos to advertise a house for sale is Decorate the area neatly. Store things Let's enter the entrance. It is important to organize each room so that it is beautiful and clean. Ready to arrange beautiful lighting That's all, the pictures you take will come out beautiful. Until many people definitely contacted to order. 4. Do SEO Nowadays, many people go to Google to search for what they want. So, how do we get people to find our announcements? In the midst of a war on real estate sales announcements with other owners. There are millions of announcements, so choosing keywords Therefore, it is the most important thing that can be said by writing the announcement topic. or choose keywords that are specific words that many people often search for, for example, you announce a two-story house, use Use the word “house” a lot, along with small details such as location, house style, distinctive features, and price. Try to emphasize the necessary keywords as much as possible. To make it easy to find 5. Tell the most important points. Every property has its own distinctive features, so you need to find the distinctive features of your own property and tell them as much as possible. For example, if it's a house, you might say: The house is next to the river, has a swimming pool, and has 2 relaxation corners. There are only this number of rooms. The house style is modern. etc. along with making things more exciting, such as having a large number of people interested. Even celebrities and actors come to see the house for themselves. along with emphasizing that "If anyone misses it, they will definitely be disappointed," etc. 6. Set the price appropriately and clearly. Normally everyone looks at the price before deciding to buy. If the price is too expensive There are many opportunities to escape. If there is no desire for that thing or really necessary, therefore setting the price of real estate appropriately You must set aside an allowance for bargaining, but don't make it too high. Most importantly, you shouldn't change the price frequently. Because if you do Post on various websites Some websites cannot edit text. It will cause the display of prices to be different. It may cause confusion for customers. and opportunities to buy real estate After that it became zero. 7. Choose the right website. How to choose a website to advertise real estate for sale The appropriate one is Direct to the target group Not mixed with general websites Because it is easy for customers to meet, such as choosing to advertise a house for sale on the website for Buy and sell real estate directly and avoid websites that sell in combination with other types of products. 8.Marketing with Social Media If you are someone who uses Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you can use these media to help advertise your home for sale. It is considered a way to reach customers through many channels. And there are many opportunities for customers to be interested. and the opportunity to have customers buy real estate The latter is also high. 9. Keep updating announcements every day. Normally, website space is limited, so as time passes, the properties we list for sale will be pushed to the bottom or the back page If that's the case, The chances of people finding your post are getting less and less, so we should update it every day. In order for the announcement to be at the top of the website, however, some websites will have conditions. And the methods are different that you should study the details carefully first. 10. Enter contact channel When the announcement is made, we post it on the website. into the eyes of many buyers There will definitely be a group of people who are interested in your announcement. Therefore, contact channels Further inquiries should be made in detail. Whether it is the name of the seller, who to contact, main phone number, secondary phone number or other channels. And the appropriate contact time is another important factor as well. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
beginning of How should people who want to own a home prepare? "Home" is a place to sleep and rest. It's a private, peaceful space to relieve fatigue. It's a space for doing various activities. together with people in the house warmly Owning your first home is not difficult. If we prepare well With complete study of information and details in various areas, we will definitely have the dream home for everyone in the family within our reach!! The first step starts with gathering information and preparing a budget. By looking at the nature of our family, how many members are in the house? Are there any elderly people in the house? What are each person's needs and hobbies? Do you want it to be an energy-saving house or a house that is suitable for our climate? Including finding the style of house you like from house design books, magazines, or various websites. as a guideline for design And it is important that the budget we have is consistent and suitable for the size and style of the house that we will build. Then decide whether to choose a home construction company that has a ready-made home design or choose an architect to design the home for you. After getting a house design that is exactly what you want So I applied for permission. Then we started looking for a contractor to build a house for us. The process of building a house is very important. Because it directly affects the overall picture of the entire house. Whether you will get a house that is strong, high quality and beautiful as you dream or not. Most often, homeowners are only involved in deciding on home decoration. But what is the basis for the stability of a home is the structure, both underground and above ground Paying attention to every construction step and deciding to use quality materials is something that homeowners should pay attention to. In addition, finding experts to supervise construction work. It will help you get a perfect home. Have more quality Paying attention to every construction step and deciding to use quality materials is something that homeowners should pay attention to. In addition, finding experts to supervise construction work. It will help you get a perfect home. Have more quality Structural work includes underground structures. (It's the part that we can't see, such as piles, foundations, piers) and structures on the ground. (It is the part that is from the ground level up, such as the ground beam, pillar, floor beam.) There are also two other components: Components of the house and elements around the house The elements of the house are the parts that can be clearly seen. For example, the roof, walls, doors-windows, and ceiling are the parts that help block the sun, wind, and rain. and allows us to live in our homes safely As for the elements surrounding the house, there will be a fence surrounding the house to indicate the area of ​​the house, the parking lot, the area around the house and various gardens, including a fish pond or swimming pool. After the house is completed The next step is Home inspection before transfer This is the final inspection of the work before signing off on the home. which if there is enough budget It is recommended to hire a home inspection company that has the expertise to inspect the home. including viewing various contract documents How long is the work guaranteed? If there are any defects, what part of the work will they come in to fix? The important thing to keep in mind is: The house is not ready. Do not sign to receive the house. After the home inspection is complete, then sign the documents to receive the house. and transferring the house and land at the Land Department. â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 ✅#Ramindra Kaset Nawamin  Khun Aed 099-391-8989 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin
Tips for choosing a broker
Tips for choosing a broker Brokers have always been considered to play an important role in the real estate business. The purpose is to have key brokers. That is to ensure quality buying and selling, smooth and fast. This career can be both a main career and a side career. There are both individual and company forms. Most real estate agents are professionals who have undergone training. Having worked well in real estate, having a professional help with the sale is always better than selling a house yourself with no experience. Today, the Baan Klang team has compiled tips and methods for choosing a professional real estate agent. What will the details be like? Let's follow along.   Work experience When choosing a broker, something you should really consider is their work experience. If it's an individual, you should look at the length of time you've worked, including past home sales results. Let's see if it can actually be sold or not. And how much knowledge and ability do you have in real estate? But if you choose a company type, you should choose a large company that is reliable and has a good reputation in the real estate industry. Because these companies will have a large enough number of personnel who can provide full service. Including having a budget and channels for advertising and public relations to help with sales very well. Service area Most real estate agents are people in the area who know the prices and details of that area very well because one of the duties of an agent is to take customers to see houses. If the house you want to sell is far from the service area or area where the broker works will waste time Travel expenses Including knowledge and understanding of that area, it may be less than that of the owner of the area. But if you choose a broker in the form of a company, there will be a network of brokers based in each area. But you must study the method. Work details giving advice Including how much care and access there is. Customer base You should choose a broker who has been recommended by friends and relatives. Or would people in the area be better? Because most of the brokers who own the area There will be a large database of new and old customers in that area and there will be consignment channels. Public relations through various channels That is why it is very beneficial in buying and selling real estate. working conditions Before deciding to use the services of a broker, you should carefully check the working conditions to see how they work. What duties do you do? What is specified in the brokerage contract? Is it an open or closed contract? How long is the contract period? To avoid problems later on, Has proactive sales techniques Real estate agent A good method must have a way to reach customers, attract them, and follow up with offering properties that meet the customer's needs in order to create the greatest satisfaction. Various services are available or looking for channels to find new customers. That will make sales more successful. Service rates A real estate agent's service charge is usually 2-5% of the selling price, but the price must be agreed upon before signing the contract. Because remember, just 1% of the price of a house or real estate is not a small amount of money. Have good communication skills For us to trade, we have to talk and communicate with each other. It wouldn't be a good idea to contract with a realtor who doesn't have good communication skills. Because real estate is an asset with a high value. Trading must be done through discussion. Contracts are agreed upon and have many different terms and conditions, so having good communication skills is important to help the deal go smoothly. Working time frame Maintaining a time frame is a good trait of a home realtor. Because in buying and selling a house, there may be necessary reasons to contact each other outside of working hours. Or if the customer is in a hurry to sell the house, he must be able to adjust the work plan and working hours in order to carry out the sale as the customer expects. But if the customer is not in a hurry to sell, he can allocate time to give the customer the best benefit. All we have brought to you today are just some of the tips for choosing a good real estate agent. It can be seen that realtors are good helpers and advisors in increasing the chance of meeting a large group of customers and making it easier for us to sell our homes.   â›ēIf you are thinking of selling your house The best time is now❗ Exclusive Asset will make everything easy for you. Please call us. ✅#Bangkok zone Ratchaphruek  Khun Aek 064-645-6987   ✅#Nonthaburi Zone, Ratchaphruek, Rama 5 Khun Nun 082-956-6564  ✅#Zone Rama 2 Kanlapaphruek Nong Khaem Khun Nat 094-332-3521 💎Free market price assessment of your home before consignment for sale. 💎Exclusive marketing, reaching Hi-end customer groups. 💎Can't sell, no fees at all. www.exclusive-asset.com #ExclusiveAssetProfessionals in buying and selling luxury branded homes, especially luxury mansions. #real estate agent #branded house #luxury house #luxuryhouse #Bangkok house #Nonthaburi house #along Ramintra Expressway #Kaset-Nawamin